Edinburgh. A lively, modern city with a broad historical background, that can offer loads of pleasant and tasty experiences to anyone who decides to spend some time there. In this beautiful city, after some shopping or a stroll along its streets, one can always find something delicious to eat. If you fancy a nice, Italian meal, “La Bruschetta”, owned by Giovanni Cariello, is exactly what you're looking for.
The restaurant, started 14 years ago,  has conquered many citizens of Edinburgh
Mr. Giovanni, why did you decide to leave Italy?
I come from the South of Italy. I studied at a cooking school near Salerno, then for a few years I worked in a hotel during the summer season. Being a seasonal job, I hadn't much to do during winters. So... So, thanks to some friends of mine who lived in Scotland, in 1985 I had the chance to move to Edinburgh and to start working in a well-known restaurant, certainly the best one could find in the district I was living in. It was a French-styled restaurant called Cosmo. I even had the opportunity to cook for Princess Diana and Prince Charles.
Giovanni Cariello
Mr. Giovanni Cariello
It must have been a pretty famous restaurant. 
Indeed. For instance, Sean Connery and Roger Moore stopped by around 1986-87. In hindsight, it was a great learning experience 
In 1990 the restaurant was sold to a company, and I felt the need to look for something different. Fourteen years ago, a dear friend of mine – and former owner of Cosmo – helped me open “La Bruschetta”. 
I’m very grateful and I want to thank the staff and all the people who have believed in me and in this beautiful project, above all my wife Lisa: she was always there when I needed her, she has always been extremely supportive and has always helped me managing the restaurant. 
The staff
The staff of "La Bruschetta" Restaurant
What kind of restaurant did you decide to open?
It's a small, well-settled, and elegant restaurant. We have a good number of regular customers who love our cuisine. And some local celebrities stop by as well. 
Looking at your menu, one could say that elegance is also part of your dishes. 
Of course. Our cuisine is classic, with some French influences. Nearby there are many modern restaurants, and several Italian cuisine chains that attract above all tourists. We don’t even cook pizza.
Excellent italian food
Do you have any signature dishes?
I’d like to point out that our “à la carte” menu is seasonal, therefore it changes every three months. Among our tastiest dishes I'd recommend the "novizio" starter – an invention of mine –, that is to say salad with grilled goat cheese, garnished with warm honey and roasted walnuts. They are served together with slices of ham and asparagus. 

It definitely sounds tasty. How about meat and fish?
Our dishes go from “scaloppine alla viennese"  to "cilentano" mixed fried. As far as main courses are concerned, I'd recommend “saltimbocca all’italiana”, made using only fresh, high quality ingredients. The dishes we cook can satisfy even the most demanding customers. Our menu follows the traditional Italian recipes: you won't find any “weird” dish in it, let alone the classic “pasta and pizza”. Last but not least, all our wines are 100% Italian as well. 

Any future plans?
We'd like to improve our business by buying a nearby place, which we'd like to turn into a cocktail bar. Our goal is to make our restaurant more luxurious, in line with our current customer base.
A successful couple
Mr. Cariello with his wife Elisabeth
On the left: the maître
Anticounterfeiting ID by Eccellenze Italiane n.7729
ristorazione Fish & More: passione per il mare targata Made in Italy Se siete nella città svizzera di Basilea e avete voglia di gustare un piatto di delizie marinare a base di freschi crostacei, molluschi o filetti di pesce potete recarvi presso il ristorante Fish & More.Noto e apprezzato per la freschezza e l’attenta selezione dei suoi prodotti ittici, Fish &More è il luogo ideale per intraprendere un viaggio nei sapori e nelle delizie del Made in Italy.Oltre ai piatti misti di pesce è possibile gustare carpacci, linguine, insalata di polpo allo scoglio e tante altre prelibatezze capaci di soddisfare qualsiasi palato o esigenza.
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