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Food & Wine HYGGE

Benvenuto da Hygge.

Se ti stai chiedendo come si pronunci, il modo migliore per farlo è quello che ti viene meglio.

Se ti stai chiedendo cosa significhi, allora ti diciamo che è un termine nordico, uno di quei concetti intraducibili che rendono uniche le diverse lingue e culture.

E' hygge apprezzare la semplicità di gesti quotidiani, passare momenti piacevoli con le persone a cui tieni, aprirsi a quelle che ancora non conosci. I danesi lo chiamano così, ma noi abbiamo voluto creare un piccolo angolo in cui poter condividere le nostre esperienze e accogliere le vostre, magari davanti ad un buon caffè. Un posto in cui sentirsi parte di qualcosa di più che un locale, quartiere, città o nazione.

Siamo a Milano, ma ci piace pensarci come un filo conduttore tra storie diverse e in qualche modo connesse; come quella volta in cui ti si è bucata la ruota della macchina sulla Route 66 o di quando hai dormito sotto il cielo islandese.


Dal Marchiciano,come a casa

dining The world of Tiramisù - Executive Chef Marco Casula

Italian cuisine and tiramisu delivery service, based in Las Vegas ,orders for restaurants for individuals for large companies


Ristorante italiano in una location di un castello del 700,situato a Bagnolo del Salento.

Cucina con prodotti bio e origine garantite,vini di prima scelta,personale altamente qualificato. parcheggio custodito gratuito colonnina rifornimento auto elettrica wifi gratuito accesso disabili garantito

restaurants IL QUADRIFOGLIO Ristorante - Pizzeria

Cucina tipica locale, pizzeria con forno a legna, locale climatizzato, wifi zone.


"Si cucina sempre pensando a qualcuno, altrimenti stai solo preparando da mangiare."

Ci troviamo nelle vicinanze dei Famosi Musei Vaticano.
Il nostro locale e immerso in un luogo caldo e accogliente dinanzi a un pezzo di storia

Ristorante con vasta scelta di vini, primi piatti, secondi di carne e pesce e opzioni per vegani e vegetariani

Ristorante in pietra naturale, situato in un antico borgo medioevale, Alvito, presenta una cucina innovativa legata al territorio e ai sapori della tradizione!

Vieni a vivere delle forti “Sensazioni…..”

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Giorno di chiusura lunedì e martedi


la migliore pizza di brescia

Ristorante pizzeria La Lampara

Regole che lo valorizzano da oltre 25 anni.

Rispetto per la salute dei clienti per i loro soldi  e per il loro tempo.


Ehrliche italienische Küche

Täglich frische Menüs und à la carte-Gerichte.

Grosse Auswahl an unterschiedlichsten Weinen aus sämtlichen Regionen Italiens.


  •     Pizza
  •     Fischgerichte
  •     Grillgerichte vom Holzkohlegrill
  •     Tagliata di Manzo
  •     Fleisch- und Fischcarpaccio
  •     Walliser Spezilitäten

restaurants La Cucina Italiana di Franco e Gemma

Nuestro compromiso es de dejar conocer la verdadera cocina Italiana en Puerto Rico. La Cocina Italiana es parte de nuestra tradición que se ha desarrollado durante siglos. La Lasaña boloñesa, la pizza, la pasta hacen parte de nuestra cultura culinaria y todos tienen su historia y nuestro compromiso es dejar conocer también la origen de los platos y como se han desarrollados durante cientos de años.

Actualmente para dejar a conocer  la verdadera Cocina Italiana hecha por verdaderos Italianos, hemos abierto una Trattoria típica Italiana ubicada en Levittown Ave.Boulevard frente a la Iglesia del Cristo Soberano, adonde podrán degustar unos cuantos verdaderos platos de la gastronomía Italiana. Luego de solo 8 meses hemos ganado el premio de " Restaurante del Año 2014 " segùn la votación del publico en la encuesta " Cebolla & Pimiento " y el premio como mejor Restaurante Italiano según la votación Cebolla & Pimiento y la votación del Publico.

Certificado excelencia Italiana Tripadvisor. Este Año 2022 hemos ganado el certificado de EXCELENCIA ITALIANA directamente de Italia . mucho trabajo pero muchas satisfacciones, considerando que todo lo que hemos hecho, se hizo  utilizando los mejores ingredientes Italianos  y cosa mas importante el amor per la cocina Italiana, primera en el mundo por cantidad e calidad de platos.

restaurants Italian Gourmet Chef Maribel F.

Nutrition and Taste
Quality & Balanced Food

We serve food, harmony, and laughter. Making delicious food and providing a wonderful eating experience since 2022.

We see our customers as invited guests to a party, and we are the hosts. It’s our job every day to make every important aspect of the customer experience a little bit better.

Fabulous taste journey
Our Philosophy

Simple and balanced. MARIBELLA top chef from Restaurant Gourmet brings together flavors and specialties from Italy and beyond to create her own culinary world, full of surprising artistry.

“I traveled all over the world, feeling and learning the authenticity of each local speciality food. I benefit a lot from working with other chefs and restaurants. In France, Spain, Italy, and in the Netherlands chefs have different philosophies and ways of handling ingredients.”

restaurants Pescerì Il Piacere Senza Il Peccato

Pescerì si trova nel cuore del lungomare di Montesilvano, in Via Aldo Moro 32, fronte mare, una location perfetta per rilassarsi o per godere dei tanti servizi che la zona offre.

Le specialità preparate dai proprietari Daniele e Mattia sono un perfetto connubio tra qualità e semplicità delle tradizioni abruzzesi.

Con oltre 60 posti interni ed uno spazio esterno capace di ospitare fino a 30 persone, il ristorante Pescerì riesce a soddisfare i propri clienti per ogni occasione: pranzo e cena à la carte, compleanni, cerimonie, meeting aziendali! 

restaurants DOGANA 135

Enoteca, bar, degustazione vini nazionali, apericena, ristorante, musica dal vivo.


Gefuhl, Leidenschaft, Liebe und Erfahrung mussen in die Zubereitung des Gerichtes einflieBen –
und so wird man ein Teil des Rezeptes!

restaurants Gusto Feasterville By Chef Andrea Esposito

Our Mission
“When I think about creating authentic Italian cuisine, the words that come to mind are "homemade, seasonal, and traditional." My family, upbringing, and where I was born and raised have greatly inspired my culinary style. My town of origin, Monte di Procida (a small coastal town in Naples) has always been synonymous with the natural culinary resources that the land and sea have to offer. The freshness and genuineness of the ingredients, the smells and tastes of homemade dishes made from recipes that have been handed down for generations; all of which enforced my family’s belief that good food is created from simple, healthy ingredients and done so with passion, love, and hard work. I continue to hold that belief to this day. My restaurant, Gusto, demonstrates all of these qualities in our traditional and authentic Italian cuisine while adding the innovation and avant-garde of today's Italy. At Gusto, all of our ingredients are thoughtfully selected and imported from Italy, using only the best quality ingredients available. All of our pasta, bread, mozzarella, and stracciatella are made in-house following traditional Italian recipes, with the ingredients we import from Italy. We also use seasonal organic produce in our dishes. The menu is characteristic of Italy; the separate courses, the portion sizes, and the combination of the ingredients. The menu is changed every 2 months to offer our guests fresh, seasonal dishes.”
Chef Andrea Esposito

What does Gusto mean?
In Italian, the word for ‘taste’ is ‘gusto’. We chose this name because Gusto Ristorante Italiano BYOB can be seen as "A Taste of Italy," offering the true taste of the foods, desserts, and beverages that can be found in Italy today, with their quality ingredients and authenticity.

What do you mean by ‘authentic Italian’?
In the USA, there is a big misconception about the Italian cuisine. What is referred to as “Italian” food in the USA is actually Italian- American. The Italian-American cuisine, although inspired by true Italian cuisine, is much different in comparison and it is not what is made or served in any part of Italy. It’s what has evolved from the recipes of the Italians who immigrated to the USA in the late 1800s and early 1900s. Gusto’s menu is designed to allow you to experience Italy’s true cuisine without having to make the trip; we want you to feel like you are enjoying a meal in Italy every time you dine with us. Every dish we serve replicates the authentic taste of traditional recipes from Italy.

What makes the ingredients you use ‘quality ingredients’?
All the ingredients are thoughtfully selected and imported from Italy; only the best of the Italian market. All these items are grown, produced, and packaged in Italy and are not identical to the items sold on the American market under the same name. All of them are DOP (Denominazione di Origine Protetta/ Protected Designation of Origin) and IGP (Indicazione Geografica Protetta). What cannot be imported, we make in-house every morning using the ingredients we import from Italy. This includes our entire selection of pasta which is cooked to order al dente, as well as our bread, meatballs, mozzarella, and stracciatella following Italian recipes for an authentic and traditional taste.
Our seafood selection and organic vegetables are always fresh and seasonal. In order to guarantee this, we change the menu every two months utilizing only what the current season offers, following Italian recipes consistent with the Italian holidays and traditions.

Can you explain your menu structure and portion sizes?
The menu is designed to offer an authentic Italian experience even in following the Italian meal structure which is an antipasto (appetizer) as starter, a primo piatto (first course) of pasta, a secondo piatto (second course) of protein, and a contorno (side dish). For each course, we serve the same portion sizes as you would be served in homes and restaurants throughout Italy. The portion size of each dish is very exact. This is because it follows the idea that you will have multiple courses, allowing you to enjoy your entire meal.