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Recommend an Excellence Se conosci un’attività che reputi eccellente, puoi segnalarcela e fare in modo che ottenga il giusto riconoscimento

Hosteria, cucina tipica .....carni italiane,pasta fresca fatta in casa,cantina prevalentemente locale


Ristorante in pietra naturale, situato in un antico borgo medioevale, Alvito, presenta una cucina innovativa legata al territorio e ai sapori della tradizione!

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Giorno di chiusura lunedì e martedi

restaurants Ristorante Eliseo

Ristorante Via Appia Km 182
81057 Teano (CE)

pizzerias PINSITALY

Pinsa Romana e Fritti, Ricette della Tradizione e Ingredienti Freschi e Autentici

restaurants Gusto Feasterville By Chef Andrea Esposito

Our Mission
“When I think about creating authentic Italian cuisine, the words that come to mind are "homemade, seasonal, and traditional." My family, upbringing, and where I was born and raised have greatly inspired my culinary style. My town of origin, Monte di Procida (a small coastal town in Naples) has always been synonymous with the natural culinary resources that the land and sea have to offer. The freshness and genuineness of the ingredients, the smells and tastes of homemade dishes made from recipes that have been handed down for generations; all of which enforced my family’s belief that good food is created from simple, healthy ingredients and done so with passion, love, and hard work. I continue to hold that belief to this day. My restaurant, Gusto, demonstrates all of these qualities in our traditional and authentic Italian cuisine while adding the innovation and avant-garde of today's Italy. At Gusto, all of our ingredients are thoughtfully selected and imported from Italy, using only the best quality ingredients available. All of our pasta, bread, mozzarella, and stracciatella are made in-house following traditional Italian recipes, with the ingredients we import from Italy. We also use seasonal organic produce in our dishes. The menu is characteristic of Italy; the separate courses, the portion sizes, and the combination of the ingredients. The menu is changed every 2 months to offer our guests fresh, seasonal dishes.”
Chef Andrea Esposito

What does Gusto mean?
In Italian, the word for ‘taste’ is ‘gusto’. We chose this name because Gusto Ristorante Italiano BYOB can be seen as "A Taste of Italy," offering the true taste of the foods, desserts, and beverages that can be found in Italy today, with their quality ingredients and authenticity.

What do you mean by ‘authentic Italian’?
In the USA, there is a big misconception about the Italian cuisine. What is referred to as “Italian” food in the USA is actually Italian- American. The Italian-American cuisine, although inspired by true Italian cuisine, is much different in comparison and it is not what is made or served in any part of Italy. It’s what has evolved from the recipes of the Italians who immigrated to the USA in the late 1800s and early 1900s. Gusto’s menu is designed to allow you to experience Italy’s true cuisine without having to make the trip; we want you to feel like you are enjoying a meal in Italy every time you dine with us. Every dish we serve replicates the authentic taste of traditional recipes from Italy.

What makes the ingredients you use ‘quality ingredients’?
All the ingredients are thoughtfully selected and imported from Italy; only the best of the Italian market. All these items are grown, produced, and packaged in Italy and are not identical to the items sold on the American market under the same name. All of them are DOP (Denominazione di Origine Protetta/ Protected Designation of Origin) and IGP (Indicazione Geografica Protetta). What cannot be imported, we make in-house every morning using the ingredients we import from Italy. This includes our entire selection of pasta which is cooked to order al dente, as well as our bread, meatballs, mozzarella, and stracciatella following Italian recipes for an authentic and traditional taste.
Our seafood selection and organic vegetables are always fresh and seasonal. In order to guarantee this, we change the menu every two months utilizing only what the current season offers, following Italian recipes consistent with the Italian holidays and traditions.

Can you explain your menu structure and portion sizes?
The menu is designed to offer an authentic Italian experience even in following the Italian meal structure which is an antipasto (appetizer) as starter, a primo piatto (first course) of pasta, a secondo piatto (second course) of protein, and a contorno (side dish). For each course, we serve the same portion sizes as you would be served in homes and restaurants throughout Italy. The portion size of each dish is very exact. This is because it follows the idea that you will have multiple courses, allowing you to enjoy your entire meal.

pizzerias Pizzeria Belvedere

Dal 2010 la pizza top e non solo a Massafra!!!!


7°classificato al Campionato Mondiale di pizza classica a Parma 2019

restaurants KIKKA Restaurant - Cocktail Bar

Food - Wine - Percorsi degustativi Terra & Mare, Ristorante.

Un luogo dove passione e gusto si incontrano


Pizzeria con tutte le varietà di impasto (anche Senza Glutine), pizza alta alla Napoletana o Specialità Tirata. Antipasti, primi e secondi di pesce e carne

restaurants Ristorante Pizzeria L'Aquilone Di Vaduva Mircea Lucian

L’Aquilone ristorante, pizzeria e bar si trova a Forlì. Il ristorante dispone di un ampia sale, una veranda e tavoli all’aperto per la stagione calda.

È dotato di climatizzatore ed è disponibile per organizzare cene di lavoro o feste private. Le specialità del ristorante sono piatti tipici della cucina romagnola.

Il venerdì è possibile su ordinazione cenare con menù di paella o menù romagnolo a € 23,00; menù di pesce a € 35,00.

restaurants Pastalabnorge Chef Jacopo Carlesi & Matteo Carniato

Autentisk italiensk Pasta i Trondheim, Olavshallen


Eccellenze Italiane

It is no secret that you are served delicious food among the food stalls on Olavstorget. What not everyone knows yet is that Pastalab was recently awarded Eccellenze Italiane for its uncompromising Italian cuisine.


To receive such an award first and then a few weeks later to receive the invitation to a State Visit, well, it is incredibly difficult to describe in words. We did not expect all this, we just did our job with the utmost integrity and respect for the traditions that have been handed down to us from grandmothers, mothers and teachers.
Matteo Carniato, Pastalab

Matteo Carniato And Jacopo Carlesi

It is four years since the co-owners of Pastalab, Matteo and Jacopo, moved to Trondheim, and met before for the first time when they both worked for the Fratigruppen at Una Torget. There they quickly discovered that they shared the same idea and passion for real Italian food, and that they both had a desire to start something of their own. Together they began to plan how the dream could materialize into reality.

When the Italian President Sergio Mattarella visited Trondheim with H.K.H. Crown Prince Haakon as host, Matteo and Jacopo were invited to the solemn concert in Nidaros Cathedral, as representatives of parts of the Italian business community in Norway. The following day they received a visit from the Italian vice-consul in Trondheim who presented them with the award Eccellenze Italiane.

Eccellenze Italiane

The award itself is a recognition of the authenticity surrounding the production of Italian dishes, as they are served in Italy according to the classical tradition, respecting the recipes without allowing fusions with local flavors just to increase sales.


You could say that there is a passion for conveying originality and a moral integrity when it comes to the food – no refinements, no use of brand names like “carbonara” without delivering a REAL carbonara.
Matteo Carniato, Pastalab

The remark is not only about food, it is about all art that has a possible connection to Italy under several categories. The office is registered under the Italian Ministry of Economic Development and Economy, and the Office of Registered Patents and Trademarks, with a further upgrade to a European level under the EUIPO.

Real Italian culinary delights in Trondheim

Before Pastalab became a reality, they both worked at well-known and beloved restaurants in Trondheim and Trøndelag. Matteo first started at Strandbaren on Stokkøya before moving on to the Michelin restaurant Credo, while Jacopo has worked for both the Fratigruppen, Olivia and Sellanraa. Now the dream has become a reality, and you will be served award-winning Italian food at Pastalab on Olavstorget in Trondheim.

pizzerias VOLTASIO Pizzeria

VOLTASIO è una pizzeria napoletana con una storia di quattro generazioni. Il proprietario Francesco Voltasio è un pizzaiolo appassionato che lavora con passione per offrire ai propri clienti autentiche pizze napoletane.

La pizzeria offre una vasta gamma di pizze, tutte preparate con ingredienti di prima qualità. La passione e l'attenzione al dettaglio di Francesco Voltasio rendono ogni pizza un capolavoro.

La pizzeria offre anche piatti di pasta e altri piatti tradizionali napoletani.

Oltre all'eccellente cucina, il ristorante offre anche un'atmosfera accogliente e un servizio di prim'ordine.

luxury Cannavacciuolo - Café & Bistrot Novara
Antonino Cannavacciuolo vi invita a scoprire nuove frontiere nella sua nuova “casa” a Novara: il “Cannavacciuolo Café & Bistrot “ è stato pensato per accogliervi in una frizzante esperienza gastronomica.

Nella fantastica cornice ottocentesca dello storico Teatro Coccia nel centro di Novara, tra innovazione e tradizione vi attendono l'esplorazione di nuovi sapori, e la sinfonia di sorprendenti piaceri per il palato.

Proposte innovative, dedicate ad ogni momento della giornata, sapranno accompagnarvi dalla colazione d’autore fino al dopo cena.

Potrete inoltre affidarvi ad un dedicato servizio d’asporto per regalarvi l’inconfondibile qualità sinonimo della filosofia di Cannavacciuolo direttamente a casa o in ufficio

Die Kunst das Leben zu genießen, fängt bei uns mit dem Essen an.

Kommen Sie und genießen Sie in unserem Haus die traditionsreiche italienische Küche und Gastfreundschaft sowie unsere zahlreichen köstlichen Weine.

Purer Genuss für Augen, Gaumen und Ohren sollen Sie stets begleiten. Die Mischung aus rustikalen, traditionellen und auch modernen Elementen macht unser Ambiente einzigartig.

Unsere täglich frische Pasta sowie unsere stets wechselnden frischen Angebote sollen Ihnen erlebnisreiche Gaumenfreuden bereiten.

Enotria war eine alte Bevölkerungsgruppe, die dem Vorrömischen zugeordnet war. Die Enotri lebten um das 15. Jahrhundert vor Christus in einem Gebiet von beträchtlicher Größe.

Enotria ist nach Enotro, dem Prinz von Arkadien und Sohn Lycains benannt. Es umfasst die heutigen Regionen Basilikata, Kampanien und Kalabrien.

Enotria galt als das Land des Weines, des Wohlergehens, der Harmonie und der Idylle. Sein König Italo war ein weiser und hoch geschätzter Herrscher. Zu seinen Ehren erhielt das heutige Italien seinen Namen.

Die Vorzüge des damaligen Enotria möchten auch wir als Team „Enotria da Miri“ Ihnen näher bringen. Wir wünschen Ihnen einen angenehmen und genussvollen Aufenthalt.

Ihr Team „Enotria da Miri“

Enotria da Miri im Lucknerpark
Otto-Harzer-Straße 2
01156 Dresden
Mail | Tel. 0351 – 41 02 490

Enotria da Miri
Kleine Brüdergasse 1
01067 Dresden
Tel.: 0351-49 76 76 46

Miri’s Amaro Bar
Kleine Brüdergasse 1
01067 Dresden
Mobil: 0162-21 13 543

Miri‘s Fisch Restaurant

restaurants Trattoria Ca' Persiane

un locale dall’atmosfera unica e rilassante nell ‘ entroterra del lago di Garda

Il ristorante Ca’ Persiane, è un locale dall’atmosfera unica e rilassante nell ‘ entroterra del lago di Garda. Il ristorante, gestito da Giuseppe, ha una gestione indipendente dall’agriturismo; durante l’estate è possibile pranzare/cenare in terrazza o nel giardino.

Possibilità di prenotare in esclusiva pranzo/cena sul pontile del laghetto

restaurants Grosso La Toque D'Or - Ylenja Grosso

Ristorante italiano La passione per la cucina italiana trasformata in prelibatezze d'asporto !


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