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Recommend an Excellence Se conosci un’attività che reputi eccellente, puoi segnalarcela e fare in modo che ottenga il giusto riconoscimento
pizzerias WÈMÀ
La Madre Pizza
restaurants Restaurante Da.Saulo

Sabores de nuestras tierras en El Médano

El restaurante Da.Saulo propone la clásica comida artesanal italiana, en especial la del Piamonte, maridada en ocasiones con sabores típicos de las Islas Canarias. El chef Saulo Bartolucci logra esta mezcla única gracias a la selección personal de productos frescos y de calidad, así como una cuidadosa elaboración de los platos, dando una vuelta de tuerca a sus recetas de toda la vida.

En nuestro empeño por acercar los mejores sabores de nuestras tierras a nuestro menú, nos hemos puesto manos a la obra para que tengas la posibilidad de probar ingredientes y bebidas que de otra manera no podrías encontrar todos juntos en Tenerife ni en ningún otro rincón del planeta.

Nuestro trato cercano y familiar te hará sentir como en nuestra propia casa, así que te agradecemos el interés al visitar la web y deseamos verte pronto en nuestro local en El Médano.

¡Reserva ahora y descubre la auténtica comida artesanal italiana en el corazón de Tenerife!

Auténtica comida artesanal italiana

El restaurante Da.Saulo en El Médano es reconocido por su elaboración de auténtica comida artesanal italiana y entre sus platos más populares se encuentran los ñoquis, la lasaña, los canelonis y los raviolis al estilo piemontés, todos ellos preparados a mano por el chef Saulo Bartolucci. Por no hablar de los raviolis de batata y almogrote con ragout blanco, los cuales creemos que marcarán un antes y un después en la gastronomía de las Islas Canarias.

Nuestro restaurante familiar se enorgullece de tener una selecta carta que se modifica a diario para ofrecer comida de la máxima calidad y frescura. El resultado son platos únicos que solo se pueden encontrar en el restaurante Da.Saulo en El Médano, ¡una experiencia que llevará tus papilas gustativas a un viaje de ida y vuelta entre las Islas Canarias y el Piamonte!

Como una imagen vale más que mil palabras, te invitamos a visualizar algunos vídeos que hemos grabado durante la elaboración artesanal del chef Saulo Bartolucci de varias pastas que ofrecemos en nuestro restaurante.

restaurants RiPizziCo

Benvenuti da Ripizzico
La nostra Mission

La missione del Ristorante Ripizzico è quella di creare un’esperienza culinaria straordinaria che soddisfi i sensi, rafforzi i legami tra le persone e celebri la cucina locale e internazionale. Vogliamo essere il luogo di elezione per i buongustai e gli amanti del cibo, offrendo piatti preparati con passione, ingredienti di alta qualità e un servizio impeccabile.

I nostri obiettivi principali includono:

- Eccellenza culinaria: Cucinare con creatività e maestria, utilizzando ingredienti freschi e locali quando possibile, per creare piatti unici e memorabili che delizino il palato dei nostri ospiti.

- Ospitalità calorosa: Accogliere ogni ospite con un sorriso sincero e fornire un servizio cordiale e attento che superi le aspettative, garantendo un’esperienza gastronomica piacevole e rilassante.

- Innovazione continua: Continuare a esplorare nuove idee culinarie, tendenze e tecniche, offrendo periodicamente nuovi piatti e bevande per sorprendere e soddisfare i gusti diversificati dei nostri clienti.

- Sostenibilità ambientale: Impegnarci a ridurre al minimo l’impatto ambientale delle nostre operazioni, utilizzando pratiche sostenibili, riducendo gli sprechi e sostenendo i produttori locali.

- Comunità locale: Collaborare con la comunità locale, sostenendo iniziative benefiche, eventi culturali e promuovendo l’educazione alimentare.

- Cultura gastronomica: Celebrare la diversità culinaria e promuovere la conoscenza e l’apprezzamento della cucina, contribuendo così a arricchire la cultura gastronomica della nostra regione.

Ristorante Ripizzico si impegna a offrire non solo un’esperienza gastronomica indimenticabile ma anche un luogo dove le persone possano condividere momenti speciali, creare ricordi duraturi e sentirsi parte di una comunità culinaria appassionata.

dining Raimondi'S Villa Rozenrust

Benvenuti a Raimondi’s Villa Rozenrust

Bij de Raimondi’s kunt u genieten van pure Italiaanse gerechten op een buitengewoon sfeervolle locatie in Leidschendam. De gerechten worden vers bereid met de beste ingrediënten van het moment.

Veelal zijn dit producten uit Calabrie de streek waar de Raimondi’s zijn opgegroeid. Met haar unieke ligging in Park Rozenrust en uitkijkend over de Vliet is het restaurant de plek om in rust te genieten van de heerlijkste Italiaanse gerechten.

Met liefde voor het vak en Italiaanse passie bereiden wij de lekkerste vlees- en visgerechten voor u.

U hoeft bij de Raimondi’s niet te kiezen. Een feestelijke optocht van vele Italiaanse heerlijkheden trekt aan u voorbij. Wel zijn er menusuggesties, afhankelijk van tijd en trek. Zo kunt u door de weeks kiezen voor bijvoorbeeld het antipastimenu of een heerlijke verse pasta. Alle combi’s van het menu van de chef zijn mogelijk. Let op!: Op vrijdag & zaterdag serveren wij alleen het menu van de chef. Restaurant Villa Rozenrust is dagelijks geopend vanaf 17:30. Op maandag is het restaurant gesloten.

Ons restaurant heeft twee grote zalen en een terras en is eenvoudig in te richten om weer op een veilige manier samen te kunnen eten. Bel voor de mogelijkheden en reserveer eenvoudig een plek 070 22 07 581 of stuur een e-mail met u wensen dan nemen we zo snel mogelijk contact met u op.

Het succes van het afhalen heeft ons doen besluiten hier ook mee verder te gaan nu het restaurant weer open is. Bestellen kan eenvoudig per telefoon of e-mail en betalen kan ook contactloos met een tikkie.

restaurants Grosso La Toque D'Or - Ylenja Grosso

Ristorante italiano La passione per la cucina italiana trasformata in prelibatezze d'asporto !


MA-SA 11h-13h30 18h-22h 0796822968

Menù digitale

dining Arredamenti Di Lupin

Azienda leader nella vendita online e offline di arredamenti Industriali.
Forniture e noleggio per ristoranti, pizzerie, bar, pub e supermercati.

pizzerias Pizzeria Del Portico


09:00 - 22:30
09:00 - 22:30
09:00 - 22:30
09:00 - 22:30
09:00 - 22:30
09:00 - 22:30
16:00 - 22:30

restaurants Al settimo Cielo - Marco Montalbano

Restaurante al puro estilo Italiano. Pasta fresca de elaboración propia por manos divinas.

restaurants Gusto Feasterville By Chef Andrea Esposito

Our Mission
“When I think about creating authentic Italian cuisine, the words that come to mind are "homemade, seasonal, and traditional." My family, upbringing, and where I was born and raised have greatly inspired my culinary style. My town of origin, Monte di Procida (a small coastal town in Naples) has always been synonymous with the natural culinary resources that the land and sea have to offer. The freshness and genuineness of the ingredients, the smells and tastes of homemade dishes made from recipes that have been handed down for generations; all of which enforced my family’s belief that good food is created from simple, healthy ingredients and done so with passion, love, and hard work. I continue to hold that belief to this day. My restaurant, Gusto, demonstrates all of these qualities in our traditional and authentic Italian cuisine while adding the innovation and avant-garde of today's Italy. At Gusto, all of our ingredients are thoughtfully selected and imported from Italy, using only the best quality ingredients available. All of our pasta, bread, mozzarella, and stracciatella are made in-house following traditional Italian recipes, with the ingredients we import from Italy. We also use seasonal organic produce in our dishes. The menu is characteristic of Italy; the separate courses, the portion sizes, and the combination of the ingredients. The menu is changed every 2 months to offer our guests fresh, seasonal dishes.”
Chef Andrea Esposito

What does Gusto mean?
In Italian, the word for ‘taste’ is ‘gusto’. We chose this name because Gusto Ristorante Italiano BYOB can be seen as "A Taste of Italy," offering the true taste of the foods, desserts, and beverages that can be found in Italy today, with their quality ingredients and authenticity.

What do you mean by ‘authentic Italian’?
In the USA, there is a big misconception about the Italian cuisine. What is referred to as “Italian” food in the USA is actually Italian- American. The Italian-American cuisine, although inspired by true Italian cuisine, is much different in comparison and it is not what is made or served in any part of Italy. It’s what has evolved from the recipes of the Italians who immigrated to the USA in the late 1800s and early 1900s. Gusto’s menu is designed to allow you to experience Italy’s true cuisine without having to make the trip; we want you to feel like you are enjoying a meal in Italy every time you dine with us. Every dish we serve replicates the authentic taste of traditional recipes from Italy.

What makes the ingredients you use ‘quality ingredients’?
All the ingredients are thoughtfully selected and imported from Italy; only the best of the Italian market. All these items are grown, produced, and packaged in Italy and are not identical to the items sold on the American market under the same name. All of them are DOP (Denominazione di Origine Protetta/ Protected Designation of Origin) and IGP (Indicazione Geografica Protetta). What cannot be imported, we make in-house every morning using the ingredients we import from Italy. This includes our entire selection of pasta which is cooked to order al dente, as well as our bread, meatballs, mozzarella, and stracciatella following Italian recipes for an authentic and traditional taste.
Our seafood selection and organic vegetables are always fresh and seasonal. In order to guarantee this, we change the menu every two months utilizing only what the current season offers, following Italian recipes consistent with the Italian holidays and traditions.

Can you explain your menu structure and portion sizes?
The menu is designed to offer an authentic Italian experience even in following the Italian meal structure which is an antipasto (appetizer) as starter, a primo piatto (first course) of pasta, a secondo piatto (second course) of protein, and a contorno (side dish). For each course, we serve the same portion sizes as you would be served in homes and restaurants throughout Italy. The portion size of each dish is very exact. This is because it follows the idea that you will have multiple courses, allowing you to enjoy your entire meal.

restaurants Osteria Manì

I sapori di un tempo, le tradizioni di sempre e un pizzico di creatività!!


Ristorante Pizzeria Da-Mé

restaurants Pizzeria Trattoria Bar LA SPORTIVA
Pizzeria trattoria bar
restaurants Ristorante Pizzeria Al 91

Ristorante Pizzeria

Viale Marche 91
20159 Milano (MI)


Dal Marchiciano,come a casa

pizzerias PIZZERIA RONCAGLIA Di Poli Valter

Pizzeria Roncaglia
Profumi e sapori di montagna

La nostra PIZZERIA si trova a Roncaglia, un piccolo paesino del comune di Civo, sulla costiera dei cèck, in Valtellina ed è a conduzione familiare.

Quando abbiamo aperto, nel 2017, abbiamo fatto una scelta specifica su cosa proporre ai nostri clienti.
Proporre oltre alla pizza anche un menù con varie scelte di piatti o puntare solo sulla pizza? La scelta è stata semplice.
Abbiamo deciso di proporre solo pizza provando però a distinguerci per le caratteristiche delle nostre pizze.

La lunga lievitazione è l'utilizzo di ingredienti di qualità di origine italiana, cotte nel forno a legni rendono le nostre pizze soffici e fragranti, ma sopratutto molto digeribili.

Se ci siamo distinti dagli altri? Questo non aspetta a noi dirlo ma ai nostri clienti.