Istituto di arte culinaria

Zeppelin Restaurant has two kitchens; one classroom for lectures, slide shows and videos; a wine tasting area; a professional bar area, the corridor with our old pictures and a large gardened terrace just like in the 60’s with the most beautiful hydrangeas, citrus trees, and seasonal herbs.

We seat up to 110 indoor guests, but during the good season and if Jupiter is on our side we are able to seat 100 more people outdoors.

The restaurant is also the headquarters of Istituto di Arte Culinaria “Lorenzo Polegri”, a world class cooking school for food travellers, students, culinary professionals.

The Istituto offers stages at local food and wines producers in the area of Orvieto and Umbria.

Zeppelin Restaurant hosts internship students from the most prestigious culinary institutes in USA:

The Culinary Institute of America
Johnson & Wales
The Art Institutes of America
French Culinary Institute NYC.

Zeppelin Restaurant is also the most celebrated Italian restaurant at the James Beard Foundation in NYC.

  Ristorante Zeppelin Loggia dei Mercanti 34
05018 Orvieto (TR)

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