La Piccola Italia is one of Bournemouth's longest established restaurants. We first opened our doors on a hot afternoon in May 1981 with the simple idea of serving authentic Italian dishes using the finest ingredients.

Over the last 33 years we've made a few changes, seen a few people come and go, but we still remain focused on our opening ideals. Still run by the original owner and his family, La Piccola Italia is the perfect choice for an intimate dinner, special celebration with friends and family or just a quick lunch.

A Trattoria is an Italian eating establishment less formal than a restaurant, where the mood and service is more casual. Wine is sold by the carafe and the food is modest, following regional and local recipe, and often enjoyed family style at the table.
With deep red walls, classic chequered table cloths, soft lighting and striking Roman columns you'll feel like you've found a secret part of Italy in Bournemouth as you dine under a cloud of Chianti flasks.
Our menu is varied so choosing won't be a problem, as there's something to suit everyone. Our menus are packed full of antipasti, pasta and risotto dishes, stone-baked pizzas as well as meat and fish specialities. Ensure you leave space for dessert as our home-made Italian classics are a fitting finish to any meal.

  La Piccola Italia 23 Holdenhurst Road BH8 8EH
Gran Bretagna

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ristoranti SAMOA CLUB
Mangiare e Bere Kasbah Cafè WINE BAR and RESTAURANT

A cozy eolian restaurant with a beautiful mediterranean garden. Vico Selinunte, 43 Lipari 

+39. 090 9215367