The best for your health from our cooked grape must

Villa San Donnino production is selected and limited, protected by the generations of knowledge and traditions of a family which has devoted itself to beauty and working in serenity inspired by the values of nature.
Traditional Balsamic Vinegar is a natural food.

Traditional Balsamic Vinegar Of Modena is produced from cooked grape must ripened by slow acidification due to natural fermentation and progressive concentration by means of a considerably long ageing process in a series of various types of wooden cask with no aromatic substances added

It is used as a condiment to give the final touch to a very wide range of dishes, from the most refined and elaborate to the cheapest and simplest. It has been used for centuries in the cuisine of Modena with meats and boiled vegetables, best when still hot, and in all egg recipes. More recently "Tradizionale di Modena" has been used on raw and cooked fish and meat roasts or casseroles.

  Acetaia Villa San Donnino Via Medicine
09040 San Vito (MO)

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