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Recommend an Excellence Se conosci un’attività che reputi eccellente, puoi segnalarcela e fare in modo che ottenga il giusto riconoscimento
restaurants Cantina Bella Vista

"Cucina tipica ciociara"

restaurants La Brasseria Da Mauro

Puur en onversneden

Authentiek Italiaans tafelen in een ongedwongen sfeer. Dat is La Brasseria da Mauro, in het hartje van Edegem. Kom proeven van het allerbeste dat Zuid-Italië te bieden heeft.

Chef Mauro is afkomstig van Bari (Puglia). Een minder toeristische streek in de hak van de laars, vlak aan de Adriatische zee. Een charmante stad met een rijk maritiem verleden, waar je zulke verse vis kan eten dat hij even goed recht uit de zee op je bord had kunnen springen. In het oude stadscentrum liggen de verse pomodori te blinken in bakken voor de kleine kruidenierszaken, hangen de peperoni in trosjes aan de marktkramen en rollen de mama’s en nonna’s orecchiette (oortjespasta) die ze in de zon laten drogen. Eten is een belangrijke zaak in Zuid-Italië. Zo tonen de Pugliese hun gastvrijheid. Schuif aan tafel bij La Brasseria Da Mauro en proef de Zuiderse zon op je bord.

Mag er voor u misschien wat truffel bij? Eigenhandig meegebracht door de chef uit zijn geboortestreek. Of een succulente zeebaars om compleet bij weg te dromen richting het Middelandse Zeegebied? Misschien nog besluiten met een typisch Italiaans topdessert: een cassata!

La Brasseria Da Mauro ontvangt u heel graag voor een verfijnde smaaksensatie op het vernieuwde Edegemse gemeenteplein, in de schaduw van het voormalige gemeentehuis. Lekker en ongeremd Italiaans tafelen in een op en top charmant Vlaams dorpsdécor.

restaurants Ristorante Pochi Intimi
Da noi troverete prodotti selezionati nelle migliori aziende di tutta Italia, frutto di una attenta ricerca gastronomica che ci ha portato ad una attenta scelta che privilegia l'etichetta d.o.p. in tutte le sue peculiarità...

Ci auguriamo pertanto che passiate una piacevole serata in compagnia delle nostre migliore pietanze e della nostra selezione di vini.

E' gradita la prenotazione

Erleben Sie Italien und genieBen Sie frisch zubereitete Pizzen aus unserem Steinofen, klassische Pasta, taglich frische Meeresfruchte, Fischgerichte und viele weitere italienische Gerichte.

Unser Ristorante bietet Platz fur zirka hundert Gaste und weitere siebzig auf unserer Terrasse.

Tauchen Sie ein in den italienischen Flair und lassen Sie sich von unserem Service den Gaumen verwohnen.

Sie Essen lieber zu Hause? Uberhaupt kein Problem.

Wir nehmen gerne Ihre Bestellung entgegen und bereiten alles fur die Selbstabholung vor.

Lassen Sie sich auch von unserem Partyservice begeistern. Wir bereiten fur Ihre Festivitat, Ihre Firmenfeier oder Ihr Event, gerne mediterrane Speisen, mehrgangige Menus und Fingerfood zu. Fur nahere Details rufen Sie uns gerne an.

restaurants Ristorante Al Peperoncino

Machen Sie mit uns einen kulinarischen Ausflug...

.... wir verwöhnen Sie in gemütlichem italienischem Ambiente
Geniessen Sie frisch gemachte Köstlichkeiten aus unserem Hause und einen ausgezeichneten Wein aus bester Qualität.
Wir überzeugen nicht nur mit frischen Produkten, sondern bei uns fühlen Sie sich wie in Italien!
Wir würden uns freuen Sie in unserem Haus begrüssen zu dürfen.
 Ihr Al Peperoncino Team


Il Rifugio degli Artisti è un locale che si sviluppa su tre edifici  molto differenti tra loro, divisi per nome e tematica come i tre luoghi ultraterreni visitati da Dante Alighieri nella sua opera “Divina Commedia”.

Infernum il Ristorante, Purgatorium la Pizzeria ed in fine si trova Paradisum, il Pub.


Ristorante italiano in una location di un castello del 700,situato a Bagnolo del Salento.

Cucina con prodotti bio e origine garantite,vini di prima scelta,personale altamente qualificato. parcheggio custodito gratuito colonnina rifornimento auto elettrica wifi gratuito accesso disabili garantito

restaurants Lucky You

Il ristorante Lucky you Cannes è un luogo elegante dedicato alle carni di alta qualità ma anche ai frutti di mare, divinamente cucinati dallo chef Riccardo Cuccurullo (Italia / Monaco).

Ti consigliamo anche di assaggiare i salumi direttamente importati dall'Italia!

Venite a scoprire le nostre carni provenienti da tutti gli orizzonti e lasciate viaggiare le vostre papille gustative durante un pranzo o una cena.


Osteria di largo kennedy cucina tradizionale Lombarda in un ambiente piacevole e familiare


Il nostro locale è ricavato all’interno di una vecchia fornace, in uno storico edificio .

Ristorante-Pizzeria. Strada provinciale Castellamonte/Cuorgnè in Fraz. Spineto 61 Castellamonte

restaurants Gusto Feasterville By Chef Andrea Esposito

Our Mission
“When I think about creating authentic Italian cuisine, the words that come to mind are "homemade, seasonal, and traditional." My family, upbringing, and where I was born and raised have greatly inspired my culinary style. My town of origin, Monte di Procida (a small coastal town in Naples) has always been synonymous with the natural culinary resources that the land and sea have to offer. The freshness and genuineness of the ingredients, the smells and tastes of homemade dishes made from recipes that have been handed down for generations; all of which enforced my family’s belief that good food is created from simple, healthy ingredients and done so with passion, love, and hard work. I continue to hold that belief to this day. My restaurant, Gusto, demonstrates all of these qualities in our traditional and authentic Italian cuisine while adding the innovation and avant-garde of today's Italy. At Gusto, all of our ingredients are thoughtfully selected and imported from Italy, using only the best quality ingredients available. All of our pasta, bread, mozzarella, and stracciatella are made in-house following traditional Italian recipes, with the ingredients we import from Italy. We also use seasonal organic produce in our dishes. The menu is characteristic of Italy; the separate courses, the portion sizes, and the combination of the ingredients. The menu is changed every 2 months to offer our guests fresh, seasonal dishes.”
Chef Andrea Esposito

What does Gusto mean?
In Italian, the word for ‘taste’ is ‘gusto’. We chose this name because Gusto Ristorante Italiano BYOB can be seen as "A Taste of Italy," offering the true taste of the foods, desserts, and beverages that can be found in Italy today, with their quality ingredients and authenticity.

What do you mean by ‘authentic Italian’?
In the USA, there is a big misconception about the Italian cuisine. What is referred to as “Italian” food in the USA is actually Italian- American. The Italian-American cuisine, although inspired by true Italian cuisine, is much different in comparison and it is not what is made or served in any part of Italy. It’s what has evolved from the recipes of the Italians who immigrated to the USA in the late 1800s and early 1900s. Gusto’s menu is designed to allow you to experience Italy’s true cuisine without having to make the trip; we want you to feel like you are enjoying a meal in Italy every time you dine with us. Every dish we serve replicates the authentic taste of traditional recipes from Italy.

What makes the ingredients you use ‘quality ingredients’?
All the ingredients are thoughtfully selected and imported from Italy; only the best of the Italian market. All these items are grown, produced, and packaged in Italy and are not identical to the items sold on the American market under the same name. All of them are DOP (Denominazione di Origine Protetta/ Protected Designation of Origin) and IGP (Indicazione Geografica Protetta). What cannot be imported, we make in-house every morning using the ingredients we import from Italy. This includes our entire selection of pasta which is cooked to order al dente, as well as our bread, meatballs, mozzarella, and stracciatella following Italian recipes for an authentic and traditional taste.
Our seafood selection and organic vegetables are always fresh and seasonal. In order to guarantee this, we change the menu every two months utilizing only what the current season offers, following Italian recipes consistent with the Italian holidays and traditions.

Can you explain your menu structure and portion sizes?
The menu is designed to offer an authentic Italian experience even in following the Italian meal structure which is an antipasto (appetizer) as starter, a primo piatto (first course) of pasta, a secondo piatto (second course) of protein, and a contorno (side dish). For each course, we serve the same portion sizes as you would be served in homes and restaurants throughout Italy. The portion size of each dish is very exact. This is because it follows the idea that you will have multiple courses, allowing you to enjoy your entire meal.

restaurants MORSI & RIMORSI - AVERSA

Per chi è alla ricerca di novità, con i piedi ben saldi nella tradizione.

Terroni in Pizzeria
Aperti tutti i giorni a pranzo e a cena
Whatsapp 377 319 9053

restaurants DA MICHELE

Herzlich Willkommen bei Da Michele!

Meine Mitarbeiter und ich bieten Ihnen entspannter Atmosphäre und mit aufmerksamem Service einen Streifzug durch die italienische Küche. Sprechen Sie uns an und wir beraten Sie gerne bei der Auswahl unserer frisch zubereiteten Gerichte.
Ich wünsche Ihnen, Ihrer ganzen Familie und Freunden einen angenehmen Aufenthalt und guten Appetit!
Ihr Michele Lacopo


Pizzeria di Cusimano Martino

restaurants Al Forno Ecuador - Santina Rosano

La historia de nuestra Pizzeria comienza a escribirse cuando “un genio loco italiano”, cuyo nombre ya no es importante, inventó la masa de pizza de diferentes colores.

La masa negra: hecha con la tinta de calamares importada de Italia, la roja: hecha con remolacha y la verde con albahaca. Creando una idea genial, única, verdaderamente novedosa y creativa para la gastronomía italiana.

Actualmente la administración de las pizzerías está a cargo de SANTINA ROSANO. Única responsable y dueña de AL FORNO PIZZERIA ITALIANA. Santina es la única portavoz de servir una verdadera, sana y auténtica PIZZA italiana.

Cerca de 18 años de experiencia en Quito han hecho de AL FORNO Pizzeria Italiana una marca auténtica, original, tradicional y de muy buena calidad en el mercado ecuatoriano.

Seguimos siendo ARTESANAL y preocupándonos de la salud de USTEDES. AL FORNO Pizzeria Italiana es "Il piacere di essere semplicemente autentici"

pizzerias That's Pizza

Produciamo pizza lievitate 72 h e cotte in forno a legna,dal maestro pizzaiuolo Pasquale DAuria.

venite a vedere come nasce la vostra pizza!

-Tutti i giorni- ci impegnamo per ricercare accuratamente le migliori materie prime italiane che andranno a farcire -Tutte le sere- le vostre pizze preparate con amore da i nostri Mastri Pizzaiuoli  e cotte rigorosamente in forno a legna per offrire nelle vostre case una pizza d’asporto di qualità superiore... proprio come al ristorante